Human Responsibility

Human Responsibility: 


  1. I think, as human beings we have some human responsibility, which motivates me to work for the welfare of people. And from that sense of human responsibility, I feel motivated and motivated to work relentlessly through science-based health education and health message dissemination to build widespread public awareness and public involvement on the issue of ‘women’s and men’s reproductive health, pregnant mothers and newborn child health’ which is an important part of public health but has always been neglected. This is my constant effort to move forward in his continuity.


  1. “Man is for man, life is for life” – I think it is a human and social responsibility to spread the following slogan everywhere as an awakening force of universal awareness – “Motto for healthy and normal reproductive system, preservation of generation and species.”


  1. I think, in order to successfully realize the dream of a beautiful future, first of all, we need to pay attention and care to mother and child health in the right way at the right time. Otherwise, there are major challenges and threats to be faced in building a healthy and naturally talented human resource as well as a sustainable nation. From such a self-realization, the awakening of conscience, the welfare of reproductive health of women and men and the care and care of pregnant mothers and new-born children through scientific health education as well as spreading health messages with the aim of creating widespread public awareness and public involvement. As a human being, I think that my progress is just a kind of human responsibility towards people.


Daily Reproductive Health for Men & Women.


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