Male hand foot and mouth disease home remedies

Male hand foot and mouth disease home remedies (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral infection that usually affects young children, but it can also affect adults, including men. Most cases are mild, [H]FMD can lead to significant discomfort and disruption to daily living. If you or someone you care about is suffering from HFMD, knowing how to identify the symptoms and using effective home remedies to address them can go a long way toward faster recovery and relief.

Here is what you need to know about male hand foot and mouth disease home remedies HFMD, its symptoms, ways it can impact males, and some home remedies you can follow here. We’ll also describe precautions that can be taken and when to seek medical advice.

What Is hand, foot, and Mouth Disease?

Male hand foot and mouth disease home remedies HFMD is a viral illness caused by a group of viruses, such as coxsackievirus A16. It can be readily transmitted through direct contact with the saliva, mucus, feces or liquid from the blisters of an infected person. The disease derives its name from the distinctive sores or rashes that usually appear on the hands, feet and mouth.

And, though the illness is most commonly diagnosed in children younger than 5 years old, adults are not exempt. In the event that men do get the disease however, the symptoms seem to resemble those of children more closely, although it is possible in the more profuse immune response that adults may well have had more severe symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of HFMD in Adult Males

HFMD symptoms typically follow an incubation phase, where the illness is not yet visible, of 3-6 days after contact with the virus. Common symptoms include:

Fever (which is often the first symptom of infection)

Sore throat

Sore ulcerations or blisters in the mouth, tongue or throat that can be painful when eating and drinking

Red spots, rashes or blisters on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and sometimes (if the illness is far along) the buttocks or genital area

General ill feeling and tiredness.

Loss of appetite

While symptoms are not fun, HFMD usually goes away on its own in most adults within 7 to 10 days with no specific medical treatment. All of that said, though, there are home remedies that can help ease your symptoms, accelerate recovery, and make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Home Remedies for HFMD in Men

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids Just like all the other viral infections, hydration is very important, more so during HFMD since the fever could lead to dehydration. Drinking copious amounts of fluids, too, will help your body clear out toxins and battle the virus more effectively. Water, clear broths, coconut water and oral rehydration solutions are all good options. Refrain from acidic or carbonated beverages, such as orange juice or sodas, as the acid may aggravate mouth lesions.

Sipping liquids through a straw can also help if painful mouth ulcers make swallowing hard. Gentle teas like chamomile or peppermint with a touch of honey are not only soothing on the throat but also mildly anti-inflammatory.

Try Cooling Oatmeal Baths for Skin Relief

If you have rashes and blisters on your hands, feet, or other parts of your body, they can be extremely annoying and itchy. An oatmeal bath can relieve some skin discomfort and help soothe inflammation.

To make an oatmeal bath:

Process a cup of oats in a food processor or blender into a fine powder.

Dissolve the oatmeal powder in lukewarm (not hot) water and soak for 15-20 minutes.

Gently pat the skin dry so as to cause no further irritation.

Or, using Epsom salts in your bath water can soothe itching and reduce swelling.

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If the blisters on your hands and/or feet are very painful, here are a few natural topical options to help heal the blisters and relieve irritation:

Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera, which is known for its cooling and antibacterial properties, can soothe inflamed skin and aid in the healing of blisters at a shorter period. Use pure aloe vera gel on the affected areas two to three times a day.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and skin-soothing properties. Lightly moisten blisters with a thin layer, especially before sleep.”

Honey: Raw honey has antiseptic qualities and can aid in healing the wound. Apply a bit of honey to affected skin for reduced swelling and faster healing.

Concentrate on a Soft, Nourishing Diet

Each mouthful of solid food can seem like a formidable task for men with painful sores in their mouths. You need to adopt a soft, non-irritating diet that won’t further irritate the ulcers. Stick to options like:

Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes

Creamy soups (pass on spicy or tomato varieties)



Scrambled eggs

Smoothies void of acidic fruit such as oranges and pineapples

Be certain the food is lukewarm, since hot meals may increase mouth pain.

However, if you take care of your health and rest, you can give your immunity a boost.

HFMD is fought by your body using your immune system, so support to it is vital. Rest as much as you can so that your body can recover. Top the other ingredients with immune system-promoting nutrients, like:

Vitamin C in, say, melon, papaya, or kiwi

Foods high in zinc, such as pumpkin seeds, lentils and whole grains

Fermented foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt or kefir for gut health during recovery

If you want more direct immune support, you might drink herbal teas with antiviral effects, like echinacea or elderberry.

Cold Compress for Fever

If fever is making you uncomfortable, use natural ways such as a cold compress on your forehead or wrists. Wrap yourself in a pile of blankets instead of layers of closed clothing that may make you too hot.

Saltwater Gargle for Sore throat

A saltwater gargle can alleviate mouth ulcer throat pain tremendously. Proper technique: Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle for 15-30 seconds, and spit out. Do this two or three times each day.

The salt creates an unfriendly environment for bacteria and calms inflammation, providing near-instant relief.

Clove or Coconut Oil to Relieve a Mouthache

Clove oil is a natural remedy commonly applied for its anesthetic and antimicrobial effects, especially in treating oral pain. Mix a few drops of oil of cloves with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and gently apply the mixture to the painful areas of the mouth with a cotton swab.

Or you can simply swish a teaspoon of coconut oil around your mouth, a practice known as “oil pulling,” to relieve pain in the mouth and lessen bacterial activity. Do not swallow the oil when swishing.

Tips on Controlling HFMD in the Home

Practice Good Hygiene: Because HFMD is extremely contagious, wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom and before eating. Do not share towels, eating utensils, or toiletries with others.

Disinfect Surfaces: Sanitize areas of high-touch like doorknobs, light switches and countertops to lower the spread of the virus.

Avoid Close Contact: During the healing process, avoid close physical contact with others, including handshakes or hugging.

When to Call a Doctor

HFMD is usually self-limiting, but some cases may warrant a visit to a doctor. Seek medical attention if:

The fever doesn’t get better after 3 day or is higher than 102°F (38.9°C).

Symptoms seem to get worse not better after a week.

Severe dehydration ensues, characterized by decreased urination, dry lips or dizziness.

Neurological symptoms start, including confusion, seizures or trouble walking.

While complications from HFMD are rare in adults, they can include encephalitis (the swelling of the brain) or other serious problems, especially in people with weakened immune systems.

Final Thoughts

As an adult male, HFMD can still be uncomfortable, but if you follow some simple remedies at home, you can take care of the symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids, moisturize itchy skin, treat mouth sores, and boost the immune system for complete recovery. Please wash your hands frequently to avoid giving the virus to anyone else.

Following these steps, while being mindful of your symptoms, will put you well on your way to overcoming HFMD and getting back to your regular routine. And if anything doesn’t feel right, or if symptoms worsen, never hesitate to reach out to a health care provider for advice.



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